5750 Karl Road - Columbus, Ohio 43229

You are welcome here.

Imagine walking into a church where it doesn't matter what you are wearing, what color your skin is or how much you know about God or the Bible. You are welcome. You sense that the people love God and love each other. You begin to feel a sense of belonging even on your first visit. That's Karl Road Baptist Church. Welcome to the family. 



Learn how you can get connected with others.


Learn how you can join in the work.


Find out what's happening with kids and youth.



Relationships are very important.

The relationship we cultivate with God is most important and the relationships we build with others in the church are a big deal too, but the relationships we develop with those outside of our four walls are also high on our priority list. We are intentional about reaching out to those in our local spheres of influence and investing in those who are reaching out around the globe. 


Next Sunday

Pastor Josh Foor


Do you want to be well?

Change Is Possible



God is generous so we value generosity.

Your generosity in giving not only keeps the lights on and the water running, but it allows us to be generous in how we serve. It gives us more resources to pour out on those to whom we reach out. It may seem like we are all about numbers. That might be true since each number has a name and every dollar is used to impact a person.